Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I heart you, Nathan Fillion

I heart you, Nathan Fillion

Can I just make a brief shout out to Castle's shout out to Firefly from the other night? Castle was trying on costumes for his upcoming Halloween party, and comes into the room all decked out as Mal, Fillion's character from Firefly, which was just a fabulous show.

This was their dialogue:

Daughter: What are you supposed to be?
Castle: Space Cowboy!
Daughter: First, there are no cows in space, and second, didn't you wear that like 5 years ago?
Castle: So?
Daughter: So, shouldn't you move on?
Castle: I like it!

I thought it was just a cute little bit of self-referential dialogue. Also, the line about how whoever killed the vampire must have been a Lycan due to their centuries old feud made me giggle. This show is starting to grow on me, even if only because Fillion can do no wrong.

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