Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Want A Kindle!

I Want A Kindle!

I'm a book junkie. I'll be the first to admit it. I love books. I'll read just about anything if it strikes my fancy. Sci-fi, romance, biographies, the classics. If the plot suits me, I'll read it.

Which is why I really need a Kindle, even though every fiber of my being balks at having a gizmo for reading. Its essentially paying to read stuff that you'd be paying for.


But look at the latest Kindle.

Its thin and its about the size of a trade paperback! Oh and depending on the model you get the Kindle can hold 1500 to 3500 books.

All in one little device!

If only I could get past my need to hold a book in my hands and turn the pages. This would be the more eco-friendly way to read.

Somehow I know that though I'm fascinated by the device, it will be a long while before I allow myself to buy one.

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