Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Wench's Favorite TV Sidekicks

Sometimes it isn't the stars of the show that keep me coming back for is the sidekicks.

Here are a few of my favorites from shows past and present..

Stephen Hyde from That 70s Show.

There's a little bit of everything going on in this show and Stephen is the tough smart stoner that you can't help but love.

He's played by Danny Masterson, who really needs to do more acting, because he was great in this part.

Oh and he's pretty darn cute too

Next up is Carl McMillan from Mike and Molly.

Carl is by far the funniest character on the show right now. I hope the new season spends more time developing his character and less time on Mike and Molly trying to get pregnant...that really ruined last season for me.

However if I was going to get laughs from this show, Carl and his grandma were usually the two characters that pulled them out of me...oh and the dog, Jim!

Ok...there are some ladies on the list too.

How can you not love Two Broke Girls Sophie Kaczynski?

Any time she's on the screen, you are bound to laugh, plus her character and Max are just awesome together.

Another favorite of mine is Bill Daily's Major Healy from I Dream of Jeannie...he also rocks as a side kick in the first Bob Newhart Show as Howard Borden.

Bill knows how to play those lovable not so smart types that always keep a smile on your face.

So who are some of your favorite TV sidekicks...these are just a few of mine.

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