Saturday, September 12, 2009

I Love Books

I Love Books

What I hate are people that get all snooty about them. You know those book club people that read just to talk about something that everyone is talking about?

I've always been a reader, from the time I was 4 years old. Books have always been everything to me.

What I hate are people that desecrate books. By that I mean people that scribble inside and underline things. Take your pen away from that book or I'll smack your hands off. That's what notebooks are for. I always hated getting used textbooks that were marked up. (My profs never seemed to be the same as the past owneers) I hate it even more when its a novel.

That makes me so mad.

I think that's why I always took exception to the reading I had to do in high school. I hate analyzing and over analyzing novels. I read for enjoyment. That's not to say I don't like to discuss books, because I do. But I only want to discuss them with other people that like what I like.

I never liked dissecting other people's work just for the sake of the grade. I've always found it pretentious and it takes away the enjoyment of reading.

Plus, I always felt Moby Dick was about a goddamn WHALE!

I still get twitchy about Moby Dick.

What brought on this rant?

I was reading a book and it has half the text underlined.

Seriously folks, I would like to find the previous owner of this book and beat the living tar out of them.

I love book and I hate to see them treated this way. If you are going to scribble all over your novels etc, keep them in your possession, don't pass them off to a used book store.

Nuff said..I've got a book that needs reading.

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