Thursday, May 12, 2011

Gossipy Bits

~ The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are wasting another million to go on their honeymoon to a private island for 10 days. Must be nice to take vacations at the expense of the British public. Now I'm no hater of the monarchy. I find them really amusing. But when the country is likely footing the bill, maybe a little jaunt somewhere a little less pricey. Especially after a wedding that cost $60 million! Yikes!

~ Speaking of those royals Princess Beatrice is going to auction off "THE HAT". You know that pink spider-like thing she had on her noggin for the royal wedding? Proceeds from the auction will go to Unicef! Woo hoo! More fame for the hat!!

~ Mary Tyler Moore is having brain surgery to remove a benign tumor. Let's hope all goes well for the funny lady.

~ Hugh Grant was considered to replace Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men. WTF! However if he had been cast the shows entertainment value would have gone up significantly.

So what gossipy bits have amused you?

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