Sunday, September 7, 2014

Doctor Who In Review: Robot Of Sherwood

After two rather dark and serious episodes of Doctor Who, Mark Gatiss treats us to something lighter and a whole lot more funny then we'd seen this series.

Sure the old jokes were still there, and quite frankly they are getting a bit stale. Peter Capaldi is 56 years old, and he doesn't have one foot in the grave, so really, the writers need to just STOP!

This episode really brings out the best in everyone in the cast. Peter gets to show of his comedic skills. Jenna gets to be gorgeous, as usual, as well as showing us the spunk we didn't know she had until 11 regenerated. Oh and Tom Riley's Robin Hood, couldn't have been better, or even sexier.

How could you not fall for him, or a few of his merry men?

There's so much to giggle at here, from jousting with a spoon, to all the jabs between The Doctor and Robin Hood. (My favorite being The Doctor calling Robin, Hoodie)

Have I mentioned Ben Miller's Sheriff of Noddingham? He was a fantastic bad guy, who brought a little touch of sexy to the part. You knew he was smarmy, and his story telling made him sound slick, but if Robin Hood wasn't so smokin' hot, he could probably have seduced Clara.

The funky robot aliens were awesome and they were headed to The Promised Land...WTF...can't wait to find out what that place is, as well as who Missy is. Oh and these robots? Oddly a lot creepier than the Cybermen.

This is Doctor Who for everyone. There's nothing in it to terrify the littler fans and it is funny enough to keep the older folks laughing.

Capaldi is definitely coming into his own as The Doctor and he'll likely just get better as the season moves on.

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