Let's Talk About Sex
In this country I've noticed a few things.
1. We have an obsession with sex.
2. We don't really care to see it.
Aren't we a daffy bunch.
I mean Adam Lambert (who I personally wish would disappear with all his other idol crew) kisses a guy on stage and the world goes berserk. Why I do not know cos if your kids pass by a tv in the afternoon when the soaps are on (or as my dad calls them, The Daytime Whore Shows), they may see that there too.
Janet Jackson's nipple causes alarm and many millions of dollars in fines to exchange hands. Its a nipple for crying out loud. We've all seen them at least once in our lives. Is it such a huge deal?
Then there's Tiger Woods. At least we haven't seen anything there, but lordy, every woman he's slept with and that's looking like most of the known universe, makes the news.
Let's not forget Lettermen's scandal too. Though, since he came out and admitting his failings, his scandal was a 9 days wonder. Tiger hid his indiscretions for as long as he could and now his life is a media circus.
Why? Why should we care? Who are they really hurting but themselves?
We don't really care, is the answer. But it goes more than that. Its that we love to see people screw up and we love to get angry over idiotic things. A nipple, a kiss, whatever. We want to dish about everyone's sex lives but we don't want to see it played out in front of our eyes, unless its a tv drama or film.
Nutty isn't it?
Of course I'm in firm belief that a lot of the stuff, like Lambert's kiss was done as a PR stunt, regardless of the sweet innocent boy act he pulled on all the talk shows in the days following. I'm not even going to diss him for that. Its great marketing. You do something that shocks the right wing religious freakazoids and you get in the papers and on the news and everyone wants to see who you are.
But really. If this is going to be an every awards show occurrence, maybe we need to have better guidelines for what can happen on tv, or at least major network TV. I certainly don't mean going back to families sleeping in twin beds (Who thought that up btw). Of course the one thing I did learn after hearing about the Lambert thing is that the kissie poo was not rehearsed. Leading me to further believe that it was a PR stunt.
Something still bothers me though. We are a nation of perverted prudes, but the UK, who has a reputation of being much more straightlaced gets away with much much more of the BBC!
What's different from the UK and US? I mean look at Torchwood? Torchwood has our lovely gayboys. Nods at John Barrowman who I love to hate and hate to love. Then there was a show I stumbled across called Desperate Romantics. This show had quite a bit of boobs going on. This is regular TV!
I'm so confused.
Myself, I truthfully don't want to see any of it. I don't think that sexuality has to be hidden, but I also don't think its needs to be shoved down everyone's throats. I fear that crazy ass people will try to take us too far backwards in the name of decency. But what one person feels is decent isn't quite the same as anothers. So where do you draw the line? But more importantly how do you let things like sexuality come into the mainstream without being one step below porn.
Then there's the matter of how its acceptable to delve into everyone's sex lives and make it public knowledge but again its only to talk about it. We really don't want to see it.
Janelle thought it was a double or triple standard with Adam Lambert. I say, no one is really free from people's prying eyes or disapproval. Adam only had a couple of spots canceled because of his on stage kiss. Tiger Woods has lost all his endorsements as a result of his infidelities.
Is there any fairness in that?
Now that I've ranted for such a long time, I can't even remember if I said what I wanted to.