Tuesday, December 1, 2009

An Open Letter To All Hospitals

An Open Letter To All Hospitals

To Whom It May Concern,

I am the daughter of two people who it is politically correct to call elderly. Both of which have conditions that require me to spend at least one day or more in a waiting room in some facility.

I would like to ask a question to all of you who take part in the designing of the waiting areas, be they in outpatient/same day surgery, the ER, or any other waiting room.

Why in world do you choose to buy the most uncomfortable chairs, couches, recliners that you possibly can for these areas. Let me tell you, the people waiting for their loved ones to have their procedures/surgeries are in as much pain as the patients, why can't you at least shell out some cash to give them just an iota of comfort?

The couch I sat on in the Same Day Surgery waiting area of Mon Valley Hospital was no better than sitting on a bench with a cushion and not even a comfy cushion. I had to sit there for 3.5 hours! My back is now killing me.

Oh and do you have to keep the temperatures at freezing? Everyone in the waiting area still had their winter coats on, for crying out loud!

Totally unacceptable. I can understand not wanting it to be too hot, so as to let bacteria and viruses grow, but this was insane!

Please, hospitals, doctor's offices etc, have a thought for the comfort of the patient's family sometime. Just because they aren't sick, doesn't mean they should have to suffer.

Pass me some motrin please, my back is still killing me.

Yours in discomfort,

The Mistress Of The Dark

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