Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tubesday Top 3: Internet Music

Happy two-day belated Tubesdays, internet! I think from now on, I'm going to alternate between Tubesday and Blog Roll Day, as to avoid such lengthy gaps in posting. Anyway, onward to this edition in which folks post music on the internets.

First up is a cover of the jazz standard Summertime by a set of not-quite-teenage brothers on melodica and uke. Now I'm a sucker for anything with a melodica, but good gravy! This cover is so good it brought a tear to my eye.

Next up is a one-man multi-tracked a capella version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme. Now I don't have a complete boner for either a capella or my lost childhood of cartoons like a lot of folks my age, but I've got to give this dude props for his video ingenuity.

The last entry isn't internet music per say, but it's geeky enough to fit in. Along with the Home Movies Franz Kafka musical, this may be one of my favorite TV music moments. Earlier in the MST3K episode Pod People, the actual movie showed a similar music video with indeciferable lyrics. Here, Joel and the bots try to decipher them.

Happy Belated Tubesday, Wenches!

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