Saturday, January 16, 2010

TV Review: Nan's Christmas Carol

TV Review: Nan's Christmas Carol

I realize this is late in coming but I finally got around to watching Nan's Christmas Carol, and I have one thing to say about it, IT'S FUCKING AWESOME!

Now first allow me to say, of all the characters Catherine Tate does on her show, Nan is the one I like the least. For the most part the potty mouthed granny gets on my nerves, so why do I like this special so much?

Well, it's got David Tennant as the Ghost Of Christmas Present for one, but the main reason, is its just totally funny. Nan is simply Nan throughout the whole thing, even when she's reforming at the end, she's Nan! She doesn't try to get serious even when faced with the opinions of people during her visit to Christmas Future.

The fun and funny in this special is Catherine Tate and her ability to really play so many different characters and as you see Nan grow up you really appreciate her abilities. Oh and props go to the little girl that played the young Joanie that got to spout off the F-bomb in the special.

This was by far one of the funniest specials I've seen in a very long time. Oh and David Tennant looks hot in skinny jeans!

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