Sunday, May 23, 2010

This Annoys Me

There's one misspelling out there that drives me absolutely nutty and that's the word WEIRD.

I know its an exception to the rule of "I before E except after C," but for the love of god, its used so regularly in day to day life that spelling it should truly be a no brainer.

Today I witnessed "weird" being spelled "wierd" by a mostly professional writer and I'm hoping that it was a typo.

I don't want my head to explode and the continued misspelling of this word just might cause that to happen.

What misspellings drive you bonkers?


Janelle said...

What misspellings drive me bonkers? Pretty much all of them. There are a few exceptions with words that are legitimately difficult, but for the most part, I'm a stickler.

Also, most browsers & programs come with spell-check now. So unless you're writing something out by hand, there's no excuse.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I've noticed on older operating systems spell check doesn't work. Which is where my lousy typing spelling errors comes in..but I've seen the weird wierd thing so many times and when called out people actually think it is spelled that way. ARGH.

Malcolm said...

I have a few that annoy the hell out of me:

"your" instead of "you're"

people mixing up "to" and "too"

The various misspellings of "Malcolm".