Saturday, May 29, 2010

Playing The Blame Game

There's nothing I hate worse than people blaming other people for their own stupidity. There's a group petitioning McDonald's to retire Ronald McDonald because their kids are fatasses.

Excuse me moms and dads, do you not know how to use the word "NO!"

McDonald's isn't going to make you fat, if you eat it on occasion and choose your menu options wisely. Your kid doesn't have to have a Cheeseburger, fries and soft drink in their Happy Meal.

Also I don't recall seeing Ronald coming down the street, grabbing kids by the neck and force feeding them Quarter Pounders. In fact, I can't recall the last time I actually saw Ronald McDonald.

Own up, parents.

Its not a restaurant's job to raise your child. Its is also not the government's business to say a restaurant can't have a toy included in a kid's meal. That my friends is BULLSHIT!

Teach your children to eat right. Let them have a treat once in awhile. A small burger with apple slices and milk is not going to kill your child or make them a fatass. Let them play in the play area instead of sitting attached to every computer game that comes on the market.

Be realistic. Own up! And stop protesting stupid shit.



Janelle said...

Here's an idea. When parents & kids are in the car, & the kids ask for McDonald's, the parents can just, you know, not drive there.

Then there's my wonderful argument: I ate McDonald's lots as a kid - pretty much whenever they had Barbie toys - & I turned out just fine.

Reminds me of my rant the other day about how I was also never dumb enough to choke on Polly Pockets when they were actually pocket-sized, but that's a different rant.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Exactly. But we live in an age where most parents don't really want to be parents it seems

Malcolm said...

When BS cases like this go to court, we need a Judge Judy-like person behind the bench to call the parents and make them take ownership. If it hasn't happened already, I can see a parent suing a video game manufacturer for turning their kid into an overweight cough potato. Ridiculous!

The Mistress of the Dark said...

There's actually legislation in CA to ban McDonald's from selling Happy Meals with toys. That was on The View several weeks ago. That was disturbing.