Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why Is Weight Loss So Damn Expensive

I'm fighting the battle of the bulge and I really hate talking about it. I hate talking about exercise as much as I hate actual exercise. Have I mentioned that I don't find it in the least bit fun?

But what really gets me is how anything that is healthy or better for you or promotes weight loss etc costs a small fortune.

I'm lucky my gym membership is only $19.00.

But its the food that really gets me.

Have you seen the price of stuff like Fiber One muffins? $5.00 for 4 little muffins that are in no way going to fill me up, I don't care how much fiber they put in them. That's the same with Weight Watchers TV Dinners and Lean Cuisine, both brands I buy on a regular basis, but crikey, if you can't get them on sale they cost an arm and a leg in comparison to other frozen meals.

6 Slim Fast shakes cost $5.00 too. (Technically if you follow their meal plan you should drink 2 a day with 2 snacks and a 500 calorie dinner) The snack bars cost the same as the shakes. That can be damn expensive.

Why is it that healthy items cost more? Take notice of the price of Baked Lays from Regular Lays? Or soy milk from regular milk. Or better yet, charge us more for portion control. I love 100 calorie packs but it would be cheaper to buy the stuff in the regular sized package, but then again how can we stop shoveling oreos or cheese nips down our pie holes if Nabisco doesn't conveniently package them for us?

It really makes me wonder why I don't just deal with what I weigh and give up. Oh yeah, it's bathing suit season.

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