Saturday, March 6, 2010

Canceled Already?

Not too long ago, in fact a only about 2 weeks ago, I blogged about an awesome show I discovered on Fox.

Well Fox has canceled Past Life already. After only 3 episodes.

WTF is up with that?

Did no one watch it, beside my family?

This was a good show damn it, and they didn't even give it a chance. Kelsey Grammar's latest show, Hank, aired more episodes and it wasn't all that great. It wasn't horrible but it was cute, but at least it was given half a chance.

3 episodes!

That's insane!

Its also wrong!

Of course they put it on right before American Idol came back and just as Bones was going into hiatus for the next few months, but 3 episodes.

Fox really needs to be ashamed of themselves, AGAIN!

But then again that's pretty obvious, this is the network that employs Sarah Palin, the biggest fucking wingnut on the planet.


Malcolm said...

The networks need to give shows a chance to gain an audience. 3 episodes isn't close to being enough time.

Your Sarah Palin slams crack me up and not just because I agree with you. I cannot understand how people think that she's Presidential material.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

It didn't help matters that the show didn't have anything to build from. I missed the pilot but watched both episodes after and it was really a great show.

Sarah Palin...she scares the hell out of me.