Saturday, November 7, 2009

Things I Like Saturday

Things I Like Saturday

My friend Cait keeps a blog called Things I Like Thursday, in which she lists things she {digs/ has done/ is grateful for} that week. Since I'm a big fan of ripping people off homages, I thought I'd make my own list.

sugar snap peas: officially my favorite veggie now, but a close second would be....

mushrooms: The sight of mushrooms used to make me gag, but after a delicious meal at a hole-in-the-wall Chinese diner in New York, I really dig them.

Look at That F***ing Hipster: Sort of like Andrea's People of Wal-Mart post, this blog makes me feel better by laughing at ridiculous people. So this is going to be for the next generation what disco fashion was to us. Click here for hipster fail (warning, some NSFW captions and pics at times)

Half-days at work: It's the best of both worlds: a break and a paycheck. Once the holidays pick up, I'll be seeing quite the opposite with overtime, so I'm basking in half-days and long lunches while I still can.

Ben Folds: Every few months I'll have an internal debate as to whether I've "outgrown" Ben Folds. Then I'll see him in concert and realize how stupid that internal argument was. Plus, he's always super nice when he meets people after shows, even when he's been up for hours and his fans go all teenybopper crazed on him.

NaNoWriMo: I'm using it as an excuse to finally finish writing my sketch comedy show, so wish me luck!

chamomile tea: An honest-to-blog miracle drink. Keeps the cold bugs away while making you less stressed AND tasting awesome? Hells yeah!

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