Thursday, February 4, 2010

Je me suis une asshole.

Je me suis une asshole.


There's a reason I'm called "The Space Cadet." I've pretty much dropped off the planet recently. I didn't mean to, HONEST. I can give you a laundry list of excuses: it's the busy season at work, it was my birthday and the holidays, I drove across the country, almost got arrested at 4am in Arkansas (awesome!) but you don't want to hear it.

I'm sorry, ladies, I really am.

But things have changed lately. I've stopped giving all my attention to the boy who doesn't deserve it, I've stopped caring about my job (and applied for a better one! wish me luck!), and I'm trying to be less of an asshole.

I scanned through the posts to make sure the things I want to write about haven't been covered already (Lady Gaga? Community? LOST?!) I'm beyond amazed that Andrea didn't write about the Doctor Who holiday specials (I already hate Matt Smith, does that make me a bad person?)

I'm psyched Janelle wrote a post about who to follow on Twitter. I need more interesting people. Can I add Roger Ebert to the list? The man is a great writer, and a great critic, and also f'ing hilarious. Ever since he lost his actual voice, his online voice has been crazier and genius. I love his tweets.

Anyway, I'm not making GRAND promises, because, after all, I am the Space Cadet, but I'm going to try to not forget I promised to post here.



The Mistress of the Dark said...

I couldn't bring myself to write about The End Of Time, the last episodes hurt me so badly that I can't begin to go on...I preferred Catherine's Christmas Special myself.

Janelle said...

Since that post, I've found so many more gems. Especially nerdy ones. I may do a Part 2.