Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where The Wild Things Are

Molly reviewed this film awhile back, but I finally got to see it last night, so I'm chiming in with my 2 cents. OK, maybe 10 cents.

I liked the film. It was cute and terrifying in some parts. It definitely left me thinking. The book, only contained 388 words. That's not even one type written page in Microsoft Works or Word. So crafting a movie out of that had to take some effort and talent, regardless of what those original 388 words led too.

I haven't read the book since I was a child. So I'm taking the film as I saw it. It was enjoyable. It wasn't life changing or particularly profound, but it was good. It definitely would be worth the price of theater admission or the price of a DVD.

The wild things reminded me a bit of The Banana Splits characters meeting HR Puff n Stuff. They were all endearing, including the boy Max, who definitely needed some help. The boy had some anger management issues, that's for sure. I'm thinking that Carol was the embodiment of him as a monster aka Wild Thing, when he ended up Where The Wild Things Are.

The movie is confusing though. You never quite understand where the wild things actually are or how he conveniently got there and back home. And the whole thing with his mom and we assume her boyfriend that went unresolved leaves me with questions.

So yeah, it could have been better. It could have even made sense. It was still entertaining and the Wild Things, even when they were being creepy and violent were cute. There are definitely worse things I could have watched on a cold snowed in Saturday night.


Janelle said...

Didn't even consider that they looked like HR Puff n Stuff. So true.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Yeah I had the theme song stuck in my head while I watched. That and the Splits...tra la la, la la la la