Yesterday, my hubs and I made a daytrip to visit his family, and his mom took me on my first trip to Fayetteville WV. Budget Travel magazine named it “America's Coolest Small Town” in 2006, and it's easy to see why. The outdoor gear stores, art galleries, and nifty shops aren't found in your typical West Virginia small town (I grew up with a bowling alley, a Wendy's, and a Goodwill - and that's it). A lot of that buildup is due to the region's whitewater rafting tourism boom in the summer, but it's recently begun to sustain itself in the winter months as well.
For dinner we went to a rad pizzeria called Pies & Pints. Let's countdown some of the things that made it so rad:
- The Pies. Ohhh nyom nyom nyom! I had a black-bean pizza with salsa, my mama-in-law had eggplant with white sauce, and David had a regular pepperoni...with grapes! So good. Up until this point, the best pizza I'd ever had was in Platteskill, NY, but I'm pretty sure now that it's tied at the top.
- The Pints. Although I didn't indulge that night, I was in beer snob heaven. All my favorite brews and a good amount that I hadn't tried before. They also have Saranac root beer on tap (something I wish I'd realized at the restaurant and not at home, d'oh.)
- Good music. They played CCR and the Beatles the entire time.
- Bike racks out back.
- A family-style single-stall bathroom, which helps parents with kids (hence the name), people with disabilities that need assistance and are traveling with an opposite sex person, and trans people.
About a block away, there was also a newly opened ice cream and pie shop called Swirl, that also sold nifty little Archie McPhee type toys like rayguns and finger puppets. They even give you the option to top your ice cream with chocolate-covered Pop Rocks!
Other nearby attractions are the New River Gorge, Hawks Nest State Park, and my favorite kitsch wonderland The Mystery Hole. If you're ever near the area, check out Fayetteville for a nifty day trip, a fun distraction, and especially a decent pizza.

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