Monday, September 28, 2009

Tubesday Top 3: Trailer Remixes

Ah, trailer remixes. The phenomenon of 2006 where a little editing magic could turn your favorite chick flick into a zombie flick and your favorite comedy into a psychological thriller. My first pick is the video that started the trend: Shining. With a few tight edits and a well placed Paul Simon song, the Shining becomes a family friendly rom-com.

Second is my favorite out of the slew of Brokeback Mountain parodies that cropped up shortly after the film was released. That familiar twangy string score was an easy punchline, but only one video dared to see the homoerotic undercurrents in MY favorite cowboy movie: Brokeback to the Future.

Finally, more of a mashup than a remix that works eerily well: High School Musical with the Dark Knight's trailer audio

Happy Tubesday!

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